Schon & Hammer - "No More Lies"

Fans, friends, females - My biggest showbiz apologies for not blogging more. And for not playing, writing, and recording more.

Dante the drummer is all but completely recovered. However, guitar "player" T What!? has gone to China for 6 months to study guzheng with the masters. It is likely we will do at least one show while he's gone. And the band is still working on the new album.

What I'll be doing (and why you need to at least RSS feed this site!):
  • Writing about our influences once a week (like the Julian Cope and Adam Ant articles)
  • Posting more tracks, including in-progress demos
  • Booking a few shows
In the meantime, please enjoy this video. Featuring Neal "Journey" Schon and Jan "Miami Vice" Hammer. It couldn't be anymore 80s (nor the song more derivative of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"). I also appreciate Jan's look. He's like "Yeah, I look like the camera operator. So what? Watch me play this keytar!"

I find it hilarious that 20+ years later, all of today's indie musicians out there decided that, of these 2 guys, the look that said "ROCK" and "GET CHICKS" to them was Jan Hammer's!

Special thanks to Solid Gold JP Lester for sending this my way.
